A budget is a moral document. Whether it's our household budget, our personal budget, or our church's budget—the way we choose to spend money reflects our priorities.
As you probably know, we're in the midst of our 2022 pledge drive. The Stewardship Committee wanted to figure out a way to show where your pledge dollars go, so we decided to create a narrative budget.
In this narrative budget, we pulled the actual dollar amounts for September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021 and categorized them into four ways we do ministry here at St. Paul's:
Download the full report above to see how your pledge dollars go toward supporting the ministry and mission of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Southington.
(A big thank you is due to Neil Walker, who did the most difficult work in the above report: the numbers!)
And remember, you can pledge online here. As of today, we're nearly halfway toward our goal.